Instagrammers Gourmet
熊本 阿蘇市 / アイスクリーム ・カレー ・定食
This is a new corner where everyday, around this time, I will carefully select among my publicly posted images and bring them to you. If I get requests that you want to watch these kind of videos, I will look for them and bring them to you. Watch out for it.The first time we took a walk with global idol Kumamon should be commemorated Kumamon is a character from Kumamoto prefecture, located in Kyuushuu island in Japan. When Maru traveled to Kyushu, I met Kumamon and we had a stroll together. The vegetables, the meat, every food was delicious in Kumamoto! This is because the water and air is delicious there. I want everyone to see for themselves!✨🐶🐻✨今日から、まるがピックアップして過去の思い出を振り返る企画を始めま〜す(不定期だけどね)昔からまるの事を知ってくれている人も、最近まるの事を知ってくれた人も楽しんでもらえるといいな。🎉記念すべき一回目は、世界的なアイドル くまもんとのお散歩。まるが九州を旅していた時にくまモンに出会って一緒に散歩してきたんだ〜熊本はお野菜も、お肉も食べ物が全部美味しかったの!これって、お水と空気が美味しいからだよね。#くまモンに会いに行こう#くまモンとお散歩#まるとくまモンの友情#柴犬まるの思ひ出ぷよぷよ#不定期更新#リクエストお待ちしております#熊本熊
This is a new corner where everyday, around this time, I will carefully select among my publicly posted images and bring them to you. If I get requests that you want to watch these kind of videos, I will look for them and bring them to you. Watch out for it.
The first time we took a walk with global idol Kumamon should be commemorated
Kumamon is a character from Kumamoto prefecture, located in Kyuushuu island in Japan.
When Maru traveled to Kyushu, I met Kumamon and we had a stroll together.
The vegetables, the meat, every food was delicious in Kumamoto! This is because the water and air is delicious there. I want everyone to see for themselves!
🎉記念すべき一回目は、世界的なアイドル くまもんとのお散歩。まるが九州を旅していた時にくまモンに出会って一緒に散歩してきたんだ〜