Instagrammers Gourmet
東京 港区 / その他 ・バー ・串焼き ・丼もの ・会席料理 ・刺身 ・和食 ・居酒屋 ・懐石料理 ・焼き鳥 ・親子丼
『赤坂ざんまい』 ”極上”秋田比内地鶏を個室で。赤坂見附駅すぐの赤坂のモダン和空間「ざんまい」日本一の呼び声高い比内鶏の雌鶏のみを入荷、店内で捌き、即日のうちに提供というこれ以上ない新鮮さがウリ。国産備長炭の高温で一気に焼き上げる「皮つきもも串焼」は、パイのようにサクッとした食感と口一杯広がる肉汁の二段仕込み♪とようけ屋山本のざる豆腐、銚子の地魚、無農薬野菜、塩など、カウンターはザッツ職人芸という感じ。ランチの親子丼も食べてみたいです♪The "superior" Akita Hinai chicken is in a private room.The freshness of only the most popular Hinai chicken in Japan, "Zanmai," a modern Japanese-style space in Akasaka near Akasaka Minato Station, was available in the store and served on the same day.Bincho charcoal is baked at a high temperature at a time, and the "skinned peppermint skewer" is a counterbread of meat juice that spreads like pie.I would like to try a bowl of rice with parents and children for lunch♪
『赤坂ざんまい』 ”極上”秋田比内地鶏を個室で。
The "superior" Akita Hinai chicken is in a private room.The freshness of only the most popular Hinai chicken in Japan, "Zanmai," a modern Japanese-style space in Akasaka near Akasaka Minato Station, was available in the store and served on the same day.Bincho charcoal is baked at a high temperature at a time, and the "skinned peppermint skewer" is a counterbread of meat juice that spreads like pie.I would like to try a bowl of rice with parents and children for lunch♪