Instagrammers Gourmet
京都 京都市右京区 / うどん ・そば ・たこ焼き
Met a guy fishing off the bridge who made us these bamboo leaf boats. We dropped them in the river and they all landed upright! We’ve got luck on our side now.
Daniel Waldron
*2019.4.11.先週のお花見2daysの初日は嵐山へ🌸.華美だんごは柚子とさくら。全種類食べたくなる可愛さでした♡..4本並んだ写真は自分ではうまく撮れなかったので masumi_3pics ますみちゃんの写真をご覧ください🎵(笑)....#ますみくさんぽ.
Met a guy fishing off the bridge who made us these bamboo leaf boats. We dropped them in the river and they all landed upright! We’ve got luck on our side now.